Kruger & Hodges Attorneys at Law is a personal injury law firm serving Trenton, Ohio that may be able to assist you with seeking damages for your losses following an accident if you have been hurt due to another party’s neglect or negligence. Our accident lawyers work closely with victims and families to help them seek a recovery from insurance companies and negligent parties following a crash or car accident. If you have been injured in a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, pedestrian crash, bike crash, or bus crash, contact the personal injury attorneys serving Trenton, Ohio at Kruger & Hodges Attorneys at Law today.
Our law firm can review your medical costs, rehabilitation expenses, lost wages due to missed time from work, and pain and suffering damages to arrive at a fair estimate of the value of your claim. We can also evaluate the details of your case to determine negligence and help you take the next steps in pursuing negligent parties and their insurers either inside or outside of court. In order to seek damages for personal injury, you’ll need to establish who was at fault for your injury and show that your injury resulted in damages and losses.
Having a good understanding of what your claim might be worth is important when seeking a settlement from insurance companies. Insurance companies might sometimes offer victims of an accident what appears to be a substantial settlement, but before you take the insurance company’s settlement, it can be wise to have a good understanding of the value of your claim because sometimes insurance adjusters may estimate damages and sometimes they may not have all the information they need to make an accurate assessment of your claim. Have questions about your rights following an accident? Kruger & Hodges Attorneys at Law is a personal injury law firm serving Trenton, Ohio that may be able to help you.
How Can An Accident Lawyer Help You In Trenton, Ohio?
An accident lawyer near Trenton, Ohio, like the attorneys at Kruger & Hodges Attorneys at Law can help you with various aspects of your personal injury claim. First, we can take the time to evaluate your claim, provide you with an honest assessment of your case, and help identify negligent parties and any other stakeholders. We can review your bills and losses to estimate how much your settlement might be worth. And finally, we can negotiate with insurance companies and insurance adjusters to help you get the settlement you might be entitled to receive. If negotiation cannot produce results, Kruger & Hodges Attorneys at Law can also fight your case through litigation, if needed. Pursuing a personal injury claim can involve speaking to insurance adjusters, presenting evidence to adjusters and negligent parties, and having a clear understanding of who might be at fault and what your case might be worth. Kruger & Hodges Attorneys at Law may be able to help.
Helping Families Seek Justice for their Injuries and Losses
Every year, thousands of people are injured due to the negligent actions of drivers on the highway. Speeding, texting and driving, distracted driving, drunk driving, reckless driving, and breaking the rules of the road can all lead to devastating accidents. If another driver’s actions resulted in your injuries, you and your family might have the right to seek damages for your losses. The aftermath of a car accident can be devastating for victims and their families. You might be facing high medical expenses, missed time from work which can make it hard to make ends meet, and other costs. Kruger & Hodges Attorneys at Law is a personal injury law firm serving Trenton, Ohio that may be able to assist you with your case. You may only have a limited amount of time to seek damages for your accident after it takes place. Your accident lawyer may need time to evaluate and gather evidence for your case, so it is important to reach out as soon as possible if you have questions about your claim or your rights.