In April 2023, the Buckeye State transitions from having one of the narrowest and weakest cell phone laws in the nation to enacting one of the broadest and strongest of such provisions. “Signing this bill today is a great honor because this legislation will, without a doubt, prevent crashes and save lives,” Governor Mike DeWine remarked. “Right now, too many...

Car accidents happen on country roads in Ohio all the time. More specifically, country roads in Clinton County, Fayette County, and Pickaway County can be extremely dangerous. You might assume that a majority of severe and life-threatening traffic collisions occur on highways at high speeds. Or, you might suspect that most debilitating crashes happen in urban areas with heavy traffic....

Drunk driving accidents in Hamilton and throughout Butler County can be devastating. Every year, drunk drivers cause serious and deadly collisions in Ohio and across the country. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an average of 32 people die in drunk driving accidents every day in the United States. That number comes out to one death every...

Getting hurt in a serious accident can be devastating, and it can also be disorienting. In this difficult time, you are likely trying to figure out how to obtain medical care and to account for lost wages. As such, it can be confusing to receive a call from a personal injury attorney with whom you have never made contact. In...

For over a century now, the Soldiers, Sailors and Pioneers Monument has been a part of Hamilton’s signature. More specifically, it’s the sculpture atop it, the Union Soldier we call Billy Yank, that gets all the attention. In a day when some Civil War monuments are the center of controversy, ours remains a point of pride. The statue hasn’t been...

Anyone who tries to navigate through Hamilton knows the persistent inconvenience of the railroad system, how sometimes the only way to get from one side of the town to the other is to funnel through the underpass on High Street or the overpass on Grand Boulevard. But there are those among us who can remember before those options, when the...

Sudden medical emergency defense in Ohio means that that a driver who unexpectedly loses consciousness and causes an accident as the result of a sudden and unforeseeable medical emergency does not act negligently, and thus cannot be held liable for damages arising from the accident. So, what does that really mean in practice? Sudden medical emergency defense in Ohio all...

Early Automobile Industry in Ohio and First Accident Detroit was not the only early automobile manufacturing hotspot. In fact, Ohio was also highly involved in the early automobile industry. Several automobile manufacturers were located in Ohio, like Winton Motor Car Company, White Motor Company, and Baker Motor Vehicle Company. The First Car Accident The first gasoline automobile made in the...

When I’m on Zoom calls I get a lot of comments and questions about the painting of the Incredible Hulk hanging behind me on my wall. Admittedly, it is probably not the average law firm office décor and most people assume that I’m a big comic book fan or that it was something one of my kids painted for me. ...

For some odd reason, left turns are just creepy. We don’t like taking them. They seem unsafe, especially if you need to make that turn while your view is partially blocked by oncoming traffic, trees, or other hazards that keep you from seeing the road. Right turns are the easiest to make and involve the fewest number of accidents. Left...