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Expungement Lawyer

Criminal Law

Expungement Lawyer

A Brief Overview on Judicial Releases

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In the state of Ohio, judges have the ability to grant early “judicial releases” from prison provided that certain conditions are met. The ability to release people from prison in such a way can be found in Ohio Revised Code section 2929.20 and became effective in July 1996. The following will take a brief look…

ovi lawyer

Blood Alcohol Tests in Ohio

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The most commonly used test in Ohio to determine a person’s blood alcohol content is the breath test. If you are pulled over by law enforcement under suspicion of OVI/DUI and asked to submit to breath blood alcohol testing, or asked to submit to a blood test, it is important that you understand what you…

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What Happens at a Pretrial Hearing?

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What Happens at a Pretrial Hearing? If you have never been involved in a criminal case before, being told that there is a pretrial hearing can cause a great amount of uneasiness. It is best to learn in advance what the pretrial hearing process involves so that you will feel more prepared. Fortunately, our criminal…

Accident Lawyer

Ohio’s New Expungement Law

Ohio recently changes its expungement laws. Read our latest blog post to learn more about the new rules.

court room

Warrant for Your Arrest? Know the Basics

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If a judge receives a complaint from law enforcement establishing probable cause to believe that a criminal offense was committed, that judge can issue a warrant for the arrest of the person believed to have committed the crime. In other limited situations, a magistrate, court clerk, or officer of the court can issue a warrant.…

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