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Around Town

Around Town: Episode 16 Jacob Stone

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Josh interviews Jacob Stone with the Hamilton Community Foundation. Jacob is the director of owner services. They chat about the octagon house he uses for his office as well as what the foundation provides to the community. Watch the video to learn about what this foundation has been doing for the past 72 years for…

Around Town: Episode 15 Ande Durojaiye from Miami University Regionals

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Josh talks with Dean Ande from Miami University. He is the Vice President of the regional campus and the Dean of Liberal Arts and Applied Sciences. One unique thing about the campus is the conservatory that is open to the public. Check out the video and listen to Josh talk with Dean Ande about what…

Around Town: Episode 14

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Josh interviews Tommy John with the Boys and Girls Club in Hamilton Ohio. Tommy has worked for the organization for many years; working his way up from the very bottom. Watch the interview to hear about what the club is and how you can get involved! #boysandgirlsclub #aroundtown #lawyerlife #hamiltonohio

Around Town: Episode 13 Mindy and Quincy

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Josh talks with Mindy and Quincy from Spooky Nook Sports Champions Mill in Hamilton Ohio. They will be offering a small plate menu and came up with about 13 different dishes for people to try out before they put it out for the public. Check out the video to see what else you can expect…

Around Town: Sports Edition 1 with Larry Allen

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Larry Allen coached Hamilton High School to a State Championship in 2004. Coach Allen talks with Scott about what drew him to coaching, Hamilton, and some of the folks that helped him along the way.

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