Motorcycles can be a fun and thrifty mode of transportation. Whether you ride to work, around town, or take road trips, a motorcycle is a great option. According to Statista, Ohio has the fourth highest number of motorcycle registrations in the United States, with more than 406,000. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents continue to be a concern. Motorcycle crashes can cause serious injuries and fatalities. If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident, the negligent party is responsible to pay for your injuries and other damages. An attorney who is knowledgeable in motorcycle accidents in New Paris, Ohio, will help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
Motorcycle Crashes
New Paris, Ohio, is a small village located in Preble County. It is part of the Dayton Metropolitan Statistical Area. The village is near several major highways including Interstate 70, State Route 120, and State Route 320. Ohio had one of the highest number of motorcycle fatalities last year, with a total of 162 deaths in the state. About 14% of all Ohio traffic accident deaths were motorcyclists. Motorcyclists are more likely to die in a traffic accident than those driving other types of vehicles.
What Causes Motorcycle Accidents in New Paris, Ohio?
Motorcycle accidents in New Paris, Ohio, may occur due to a variety of causes. Motorcycles are low to the ground and many larger vehicles such as pickup trucks and SUVs cannot see them as well. Motorcycles can more easily get into another vehicle’s blind spot. If other drivers are not cautious and aware, they could hit a motorcycle. Motorcycle accidents are typically due to human error, mechanical failure, or road conditions. The negligent driver is responsible for paying the medical costs and other damages that the motorcyclist suffers in the accident.
How to Prove Negligence
In order to prove your claim, you will need to prove the four elements of negligence. These include:
You must show that the party had a duty to be safe on the road and the driver breached that duty. You will need to prove that you suffered actual damages due to the accident and the accident was the cause of your harm. The first two elements have to do with the driver and the cause of the crash. For example, the driver may have been speeding and that is what caused the accident. You will also need to prove that you suffered injuries or other damages.
You can provide medical reports and other documentation to show that you had an injury caused by the accident. It is important to go to the hospital or visit the doctor immediately following an accident. If you wait too long to seek medical treatment it will be harder to prove that your injuries were caused by the crash and were not due to some other reason. Your attorney will work on your behalf to help you gather the data you need for your claim.
Motorcycle Accidents Result in Severe Injuries
Motorcycles do not have the same protection as passenger vehicles and therefore, any type of accident will cause the driver and rider to fall to the pavement. The speed of the crash and other factors may determine the severity of the injuries you could suffer. Some of the most common types of injuries due to motorcycle accidents in New Paris are:
Head trauma
Neck and back injuries
Spinal cord injuries
Broken bones
Internal injuries
Bruises and lacerations
Any of these injuries can be extremely severe and life-threatening. Head trauma can be one of the most serious injuries. If you suffer a traumatic brain injury (TMI) you could have a long recovery period and you might be disabled. Treatment of accident injuries may include hospitalization, surgery, and rehabilitation.
Compensation for Damages
Soon after the accident, the insurance company will contact you regarding the accident. Be aware that the conversation will be recorded and what you say is important to the outcome of your claim. It is often best to speak to an attorney before you answer questions from the insurance company. Remember that you do not need to accept an initial settlement offer. If you do, you will waive your right to seek any more money, even if the amount does not adequately cover your costs. An experienced personal injury attorney will negotiate with the insurance company to obtain a settlement that meets your needs. In some instances, the matter may need to go to court for resolution.
Choose a Skilled New Paris Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Your goal is to receive compensation to cover your medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages that you received as a result of the accident. You should not be left to pay for these costs out of your own pocket. Do not wait to talk to an attorney following a motorcycle accident in New Paris, Ohio. Your attorney will handle the legal issues of the claim while you concentrate on your recovery. If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident that was not your fault, we can help you get the money you deserve. Reach out to our legal team at Kruger & Hodges at (937) 733-6079 to schedule a consultation.